Salle de concert La Marbrerie à Montreuil (93)

Oeshixa #3

Live et dj set hyperpop

19:00 -01:00


  • Early birds : 12€
  • Prévente : 15€
  • Sur place : 18€

▰▰ LINE UP ▰▰


Embaci is a New-York based singer-songwriter and producer known for her ethereal voice that seems to captivate all who hear it with its angelic tones. She has a strong musical foundation rooted in contralto opera singing and jazz performance. Her artistic approach spans various fluid genres and involves collaborative approaches such as Elysia Crampton, Klein, and Chino Amobi in the past.


South London multidisciplinary artist Klein invites the viewer into her unique universe. Selected instruments, strange voices, and distorted sound artifacts collide, creating a dizzying tapestry of surreal ambient electronics. Her movies and performances made her a key player in the scene.


Suutoo is a London based Swedish multidisciplinary artist with a focus on world-building through a praxis of myth-making, deeply invested in strategies of refusal and emancipation. Their play with sonics, visuals, poetry and performance animates dense fragments of alternative being, catalyzing moments of undoing and becoming beyond the impossible.

All Suutoo wants is to be free.


Aho Ssan est le nom d’artiste de Niamké Désiré, basé à Paris. Après des études de graphisme et de cinéma, il commence à composer de la musique électronique et à créer ses propres instruments numériques. Il sort son premier album SIMULACRUM en 2021 sur Subtext. Après avoir collaboré avec KMRU sur un album commun, il sort RHIZOMES en octobre 2023 sur le label de Nicolás Jaar, Other People. Sur scène il est accompagné par Sevi Iko Dømochevsky, le visual artist d’Arca, Grimes ou encore black midi.

▰▰  BOD [包家巷] 

Bod [包家巷] is an artist from Tucson based currently in Berlin, renowned for the emotional depth and mystery in his works. He pushes the boundaries of electronic music, delving into the depths of unknown sound. They share with us a mesmerizing and immersive symphony intertwining vocals, synthesized melodies, and electronic harmonies.

Infos pratiques

  • Ouverture des portes : 19h00
  • Cantine ouverte de 19h30 à 21h30
  • Dernière entrée : 00h00
  • Paiement bar en CB uniquement
